Wednesday, November 23, 2011

CU Paper Punched Borders and Mats now in my shops

Inspired by paper punched paper scrapbooking elements, my new CU kits, CU Paper Punched Borders 01 and 02 and CU Paper Punched Mats 01 are now in my shops at Digital Scrap Designs and Digital Design Den. These can be used for CU, S4H, S4O and PU.  No credit required.  These kits are currently on sale for 25% off.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

My new kit, Indian Heritage, is now in my shops at Digital Scrap Designs and Digital Design Den.  Indian Heritage is currently on sale for 25% off.  This kit can be used for S4H, S4O and PU.

Indian Heritage Kit Blog Freebie

This is a freebie that goes with my new kit, Indian Heritage, that is now in my shops at Digital Scrap Designs and Digital Design Den.  Indian Heritage is currently on sale for 25% off.  This kit can be used for S4H, S4O and PU.

You can download the freebie HERE.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Autumn Showcase Brag Book

Autumn Showcase Brag Book  Kit  is a set of brag book pages that will make a 12 page brag book!  There is a front page, a back page and 10 inside pages. The inside pages have a left hand and right hand page.  All you have to do is add your own photos.  The pages are png files at 300 dpi.  The size of the pages are 5 x 7..  These brag book pages can also be used to make fantastic cards.  These brag book pages are made from the Autumn Showcase kit.
This brag book is available at Digital Design Den and Digital Scrap Designs.

Autumn Showcase Clusters

Here are the Autumn Showcase Clusters that go with my Autumn Showcase Kit that is now in my shops at Digital Design Den and Digital Scrap Designs.

Autumn Showcase Kit Now In My Shops

My new kit, Autumn Showcase, is now in my shops at Digital Scrap Designs and Digital Design Den.  Autumn Showcase is currently on sale. This kit can be used for S4H, S4O and PU. 

Autumn Showcase Freebie

This blog freebie goes with kit, Autumn Showcase, that is now in my shops at Digital Scrap Designs and Digital Design Den.  Autumn Showcase is currently on sale. This kit can be used for S4H, S4O and PU.
You can download the freebie HERE.