Wednesday, June 15, 2011

CU Lace Items now in my shops

I have added some new CU approved items to my shops at Digital Scrap Designs and Digital Design Den.  They can be used for CU, PU, S4H, S4O.  These are some lace items, one is a set of strips of lace and the other is lace frames.
They are currently on sale for 25% off.

New CU Items in my shops - CU Overlays

I have added some new CU approved items to my shops at Digital Scrap Designs and Digital Design Den.  They can be used for CU, PU, S4H, S4O.  These are semi-transparent overlays that can be used with blending modes to create your own papers.
They are currently on sale for 25% off.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Daddy, Father, Friend Blog Freebie

Here is a freebie that goes with my kit, Whimsy, that is now in my shops at Digital Scrap Designs and Digital Design Den.  This kit is currently on sale. 
You can download the freebie HERE. 

Daddy, Father, Friend Kit now in my stores

My new kit, Daddy, Father, Friend, is now in my stores at Digital Scrap Designs and Digital Design Den.  This kit is currently on sale.  Just in time for those special Father's Day layouts.